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Switch supplier terms and conditions

LP Gas Wales Direct are completely dedicated to your total satisfaction. If you have any suggestions or comments please email us at info@lpgaswalesdirect.co.uk

Domestic Terms & Conditions (Please ask for Commercial or Metered Estate Terms and Conditions)

  1.  Vessels and equipment listed on the agreement AT ALL TIMES shall remain the property of the original supplier (The Company)
  2. No vessel or equipment may be sold, assigned, transferred, charged or damaged, defaced tampered with or used for any purpose other than a container for LP Gas Wales Direct and inparticular no other gas shall be stored therein
  3. The customer agrees to pay the charges for vessels, and equipment set out in the company tables of the standing charge. Such payment shall entitle the customer to use of such vessel during the period of the agreement on the terms and conditions herein contained.
  4. Bulk LPG shall be sold at the company’s currently monthly variable price and in exceptional circumstances may include a surcharge. 
  5. LP Gas Wales Direct will charge the customer (both before and after any judgement) on the amount unpaid at a rate of 4% above the base rate published by the company’s bank to be assessed from the due date of payment until actual payment.
  6. The customer will at all times retain absolute possession and control of the vessel and equipment listed which expressly includes any and every part and everything listed by the company excluding supply pipework.
  7. The company does not warrant to maintain supplies of Bulk LPG
  8. The customer will at all times permit LP Gas Wales Direct or a representative of the company to enter upon the property (or the property in which the vessel should be situated) to inspect the LP Gas Wales Direct installations, fittings and vessels therein.
  9. Upon discontinuation of this agreement the company may remove any vessel and equipment not returned in accordance with these terms and conditions.
  10. In the event of the tank/equipment being removed from the site LP Gas Wales Direct has no responsibility to make good of it. Removal costs and planning permission, if required, to be met by the customer. This applies to both above/underground vessels.
  11. This agreement shall remain in force for a minimum period of two years from the date of this agreement, and shall continue thereafter for year to year until terminated in writing, by either party to the other to expire at the end of the two year period. Any notice period for the termination of the contract shall not exceed 42 calendar days.
  12. If the customer wishes to terminate this contract within the two year exclusivity period, the customer will be charged for terminating the contract and the maximum level of these charges will be £3,500.
  13. We recommend the customer inform their insurance company of LPG storage vessels on their premises.
  14. If the gas is to be used as road fuel and not invoiced at the source as such it will be the customer’s responsibility to inform Customs and Excise of any duty payable.
  15. The English Law shall cover all supplies.
  16. On termination of this agreement for whatever reason, the customer shall permit LP Gas Wales Direct to enter the premises to disconnect and remove gas equipment and any other LP Gas Wales Direct
  17. The terms and conditions of the agreement remain as read, unless made by a written agreement between parties of this agreement.
  18. In the event that a domestic property owner rents out their property during the time this Supply Agreement is in force the property owner must immediately inform LP Gas Wales Direct of the tenant’s full details. Should the tenant leave the property whilst still under the owners Supply Agreement but still owing monies to LP Gas Wales Direct the property owner shall become liable for any debts and to bring the LP Gas Wales Direct account to a nil balance.
  19. Should a bulk vessels location not meet UKLPG/HSE Codes Of Practice LP Gas Wales Direct reserve the right to terminate this agreement.

Tax Charges

For all domestic LPG orders the VAT is calculated at 5% for all other services the VAT is 20%

Credit Card Security

All credit card numbers are encrypted in the software when the order is placed using 128 bit encryption. They are only decrypted after they reach our computer. They are not held in clear text on any web site.

Guarantee We guarantee your satisfaction.

Reaching Us

If you need to reach us, please email us info@lpgaswalesdirect.co.uk, alternatively, you can call on +44 (0) 1792 323740, or write to us at:-

LP Gas Wales Direct
E.M Edwards Works
West Glamorgan
SA10 6JY

telephone: 01792 323740